
Lafayette Jewish Community Religious School(LJCRS)

The LJCRS provides a positive and constructive environment for educating Jewish children in the heritage of the Jewish people. Our primary mission is to instill in our children a love for Judaism, Jewish values, and a strong Jewish identity within an inclusive, welcoming, and non-judgmental context. LJCRS is open to the entire Greater Lafayette Jewish community, including but not restricted to members of Sons of Abraham and Temple Israel. It serves children aged three (as of October 1) through ninth graders. It meets a maximum of thirty Sunday mornings per year at Temple Israel; a number of special activities during the year are held at Sons of Abraham Synagogue. The school employs high school aged aides (former students of LJCRS) who then continue their involvement in the Jewish community. Our school is member-run, with many opportunities for parent participation. For more information, email the director at

LJCRS is located at Temple Israel at:
620 Cumberland Ave
W. Lafayette, IN 47906

Hebrew School
Both Temple Israel and Sons of Abraham Synagogue offer Hebrew instruction for children in after school programs during the school year.  For more information contact Temple Israel at 765-463-3455 or Sons of Abraham at 765-742-2113.

Torah Study
Both Temple Israel and Sons of Abraham Synagogue offer programs including Torah study and Talmud discussions. Call the Temple Israel office at 765-463-3455 or Sons of Abraham at 765-742-2113.

Purdue Hillel

Organized Jewish life at Purdue University dates back to the early 1920’s. Today we have about 800 Jewish students on campus and many Jewish faculty and administrators. Hillel is a friendly and comfortable place for students of ALL Jewish backgrounds to come together to study, to discuss, to eat, to have fun, to celebrate the holidays, to learn, to get advice, to explore, and much more. We celebrate Shabbat and have a free dinner on Fridays when school is session; we have programs, lectures, classes, etc., as well as social events. The building is open during the day for student use. Hillel offers an opportunity to develop and achieve Jewish leadership skills that will be useful well after the college years.

Hillel is located at:
912 W. State st.
W. Lafayette, IN 47906
Phone: 765-743-1293

Jewish Studies Programs at Purdue University

The Jewish studies department at Purdue University coordinates courses of Jewish study at Purdue University with religious, cultural, and historical content, and the Hebrew language curriculum. The department offers free public lectures as well as special cultural events throughout the year. It also publishes an academic review, Shofar, several times a year. Call 765-494-1918.